mercredi 17 octobre 2012

The Eiffel Tower

Effeil Tower by night

The Eiffel Tower is an iron tower 324 meters high, located in Paris, north-west of the park Champ de Mars beside the Seine. Built by Gustave Eiffel and his staff for the Paris Exposition of 1889, and originally called "tower 300 meters," this monument has become the symbol of the French capital, and a major tourist site: it is second site of French cultural paying the most visited in 2011, with 7.1 million visitors, 75% of foreigners in 2011.
At a height of 312 meters behind the Eiffel Tower remained the highest monument in the world for 41 years. The second level of the third floor, sometimes called fourth floor, located at 279.11 m, is the highest observation deck open to the public in the European Union and the highest in Europe, as one of the Ostankino Tower Moscow peaking at 360 m remain closed to the public following the fire in 2000. The height of the tower was increased by several times the installation of many antennas, peaking at 324 m. Used in the past for many scientific experiments, it now serves as a transmitter of radio and television programs.

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